And it really is just that -- a happy Friday. The apartment is clean and smells like my favorite candle (Voluspa's Goji Tarocco Orange from Anthropologie), the dryer is on which means clean clothes, I nailed my physics test, and I got paid! Woohoo!
This morning I woke up to a sweet little text from my friend Juliana along with this picture:
Little does she know (hey Ju!) that this is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. Happiness and success are choices that I can make for myself just by putting myself in the right frame of mind and the right surroundings. Which is whyyyy I have been focusing lately on: getting more sleep, making better food choices, exercising regularly, and studying hard. Because I'm a college student, my happiness depends a lot on how I am feeling health-wise and how I am doing in school. Lastly, I finally decided to move at the end of this semester! I'm one of those weird people that likes to change stuff up every once in a while and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends for the spring term (May-June)!
If you made a New Year's Resolution, are you keeping up with it? Or has it already faded? Or if you're not much of NYR person (like me), that's okay!! Setting goals or making changes can happen any time of the year! Just remember that everything starts in your mind, and that if you want to be happy, you'll have to make a conscious decision to be so!
Happy Friday y'all!
Whaaaat, I just saw this somehow! Yes yes yes life is about how you decide to react to it!