(n.) the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

what's next?

Hey people! I don't know if anyone will read this because I'm really bad at keeping up with my blog, but I needed to write this down. 

I love organization. My closet is color coded, my desk drawers are a dream come true, I live by my planner and Google Calendar, and I constantly have at least 3 spreadsheets that are purely for my own entertainment. I even have my life planned out on paper up until Christmas 2019. 
This is who I am.

Do I wish I was more laid back on my organizational habits? Absolutely not, I find a lot of joy in them (I'm weird I know, my mom regularly teases me about it). However, I do wish I was more laid back on life in general. 

Planning is great and awesome because it gives you an idea about what the future will look like. However, it easily turns into a viscous cycle. "What's next?" is a dangerous question. It poses the idea that the very second you are living in isn't as precious as figuring out what the next second will hold. It leads to a lifestyle of not cherishing the now.

My love for organization will never end, but I want to learn to love and soak in every second of life.
(not right now though, finals isn't really a time I'd like to soak in and remember forever)


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